Spiritual warfare

Spiritual warfare is a range of activity by various Christian groups whereby Satanic demons are combatted, using a variety of methods depending on the group, but typically through prayer.


Range of practice, history, and methodology

Spiritual warfare is practiced all over the world. According to the Christian Broadcasting Network commentator Carl Moeller, spiritual warfare is practiced even into North Korea, which its commentator described as the most dangerous place on earth to be Christian.[1] The expression came into wide use in the non-Christian media when African spiritual warrior Pastor Thomas Muthee visited America and prayed over a 2008 presidential candidate. The Nigerian Tribune, the oldest surviving private newspaper in Nigeria, has published articles calling for the need for spiritual warfare.[2]

In June, 1973, Jessie Penn-Lewis published the Pentecostal book, “War on the Saints”,[3] and Kurt Koch published "Occult ABC",[4] which contain elements of the concept of spiritual warfare, if not explicitly using the expression. In 1991, C. Peter Wagner published "Confronting the Powers: How the New Testament Church Experienced the Power of Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare” and edited "Territorial Spirits".[5][6] In 1992, Dr. Ed Murphy wrote a modern 600 page book on the subject, “The Handbook of Spiritual Warfare“, from the point of view of deliverance ministry.[7] Other notable expositions on spiritual warfare were written by Mark Bubeck and Neil Anderson.

According to the Christian Science Monitor, "C. Peter Wagner, head of Global Harvest Ministries in Colorado Springs, Colo., is in the vanguard of the [spiritual warfare] movement."[8] Others might disagree. In the version of spiritual warfare of Wagner and his associates and followers, “spiritual mapping", or “Mapping” involves research and prayer to locate specific individuals who are then accused of witchcraft, or individuals, groups, or locations that are thought to be victims of witchcraft or possessed by demons, against which spiritual warfare is then waged.[9] Peter Wagner claims that this type of spiritual warfare was "virtually unknown to the majority of Christians before the 1990s”.[10] According to Wagner, the basic methodology is to use “spiritual mapping[9] to locate areas,[6] demon-possessed persons, occult practitioners such as witches and FreeMasons, or occult idol objects like statues of Catholic saints,[11] which are then named and fought, using methods ranging from intensive prayer to burning with fire, “they must burn the idols… the kinds of material things that might be bringing honor to the spirits of darkness: pictures, statues, Catholic saints, Books of Mormon… and what have you…. the witches and warlocks had surrounded the area … When the flames shot up, a woman right behind Doris [Wagner's wife] screamed and manifested a demon, which Doris immediately cast out!” [12]

Christian practices of spiritual warfare range from an internal conflict with one's self, to versions involving taking some physical action against other persons, places, or objects, with the physical actions ranging from use of words, such as public accusations of witchcraft, to violence such as burning objects of others or harming women accused of witchcraft.[8][12][13] The Catholic faith has a different perspective on spiritual warfare from Wagner, which in no way considers statues of its own saints as objects which "honor to the spirits of darkness", to be burned in spiritual warfare.[14] Pope John Paul II stated, “ ‘Spiritual combat’… is a secret and interior art, an invisible struggle in which monks engage every day against the temptations”,[13] very different from the quote of Wagner cited above. At the other extreme is the historic Catholic Inquisition with its use of torture and slow execution of those accused of witchcraft. As in the Islamic community, elements of the Christian community differ about spiritual warfare, with extremes of opinions ranging from a view that it should be restricted to an internal war inside oneself as just cited, to calls for the death of homosexuals in Uganda for being possessed by demons, and outright hunting of women then accused of witchcraft and harmed, as in some other parts of Africa.[8] Controversies have developed over interpretations of spiritual warfare methods (and purposes) by some Christian groups, which are used to persecute others, from other Christian groups (e.g. Catholics by some Pentecostals, or Protestants by Catholics over history), to other religions (e.g. Buddhists), other groups (e.g. practitioners of transcendental meditation or Freemasons), women who are accused of witchcraft, persons with other beliefs (such as in astrology), and owners of objects (e.g. native American art, Oija boards, tarot cards).[8][12]

In some cases, funerals of gay people and American soldiers are picketed, which is practiced by the Westboro Baptist Church.[15][16]

Basis, evangelical interest, and scriptural basis

Spiritual warfare responds to the Christian concept that the devil and demons attempt to thwart Good and the will of God, and are manifested in multiple ways, including by demonic possession, demonic harassment, by attacks on a person's thoughts, relationships, or life with God. Those involved in Spiritual warfare have historically been referred to as "exorcists". An example of spiritual warfare from the life of the disciples in the Book of Acts is in Chapter 8 verse 7, which reports how, "...many who had unclean spirits , they were coming out of them, shouting with a loud voice;"

A scriptural starting point for the concept of spiritual warfare can be found in the sixth chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians (Ephesians 6:11-18), where Paul metaphorically urges the Christian to arm him or her self with weapons and armor that resemble those of a Roman soldier. However, it is worth noting that the idea "armor" from God, including the "helmet of Salvation" and the "breastplate of Righteousness" which Paul mentions, are included in Isaiah 59:17, which predates the Roman Republic and its legionary army by several centuries. Psalm 18 in particular gives visualization of spiritual warfare (the divine power of God defeating the strategies of His enemy), and makes several references to equipment for battle. (Verses 32, 33, 36, 39). Psalms 17:5, 140:4, and 149:6-9 also allude to this battle. The battleground for this war was transferred from the physical realm to the spiritual through the work of the cross which settled the sin issue for all who received the Messiah, and seated them with Him at God's right hand. (See Ephesians 2:5-6, 1 Corinthians 15:24, Ephesians 1:21, 3:10, 6:12, Colossians 1:16, 2:10 and 2:15).

Ideas related to spiritual warfare is mentioned as far back as in the Bible in Genesis 3, where the "serpent" (NACHASH in Hebrew, meaning "whisperer" or "enchanter") gave a different meaning to God's words and the man and woman's reality - especially as to the motives of God. They had been given "dominion" over the earth (Chapter 1:26) but the serpent (later identified as Satan in Revelation 12:9 and other passages) usurped this dominion through enslaving the man and woman through obedience to his words and meanings. (Romans 6:16 teaches that one is the slave of the one obeyed). Spiritual warfare throughout the Bible can be seen as the struggle to be freed from the control gained through deception, both historically and personally.

Spiritual warfare today has become more popular as a topic in and out of the Church, but along with this popularity comes a variety of theologies and views. The Bible leaves New Testament followers with a simple instruction in James 4:7. "Therefore submit yourself to God and resist the devil, and he will flee from you." The Bible promotes neither disbelief in the battle, nor some complex array of rights to be freed. It says to do two things, and the devil "will flee".

Traditional demonology

Major traditions of Christianity — including Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant — acknowledge a belief in the reality (or ontological existence) of a fallen angel known as the devil and Satan. This affirmation is reinforced in the writings of the Church Fathers, in the Councils and Creeds of the early Church, and in the later confessional documents of some Christian denominations.

The doctrinal position of some Western Christian Church traditions is that Satan and other fallen angels, or demons, are spiritual entities that exist and sometimes manifest their presence in the world. These entities exist to deceive humanity. Their primary mission is to thwart God's purposes on earth, and to prevent non-believers from placing faith in Christ and to prevent Christians from being effective disciples of Jesus. In the New Testament, Satan is referred to as "the father of lies" (John 8:44) and as "the accuser of our brothers" (Revelation 12:10).

Demonic powers in Scripture

Biblical passages that highlight the subject of demons are principally found in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, and the Acts of the Apostles. St. Paul's epistles focus on the victory of Christ over principalities and powers. The Book of Revelation portrays the casting down of Satan and of Satan's being bound forever due to the triumph of Christ in the Resurrection. Other passages concerning demons and angels are scattered throughout both the Old and New Testaments. Outside of the biblical canon, demonology is found in pseudepigraphal writings, such as the First Book of Enoch, and in the post-New Testament writings of the early fathers such as The Didache, The Shepherd of Hermas, Ignatius's epistle to the Ephesians, and Origen's Contra Celsum.

Possibly the clearest and most detailed example of spiritual warfare in the Bible can be found in Daniel 10. The prophet Daniel had been praying and fasting for three weeks, seeking understanding from God. When an angel finally came to Daniel to deliver a message from the Lord, he explained that he had been dispatched the very first day that Daniel began to pray but that "the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days." (Daniel 10:13) Eventually, as the angel explained, the Archangel Michael had been fetched and was able to overpower the Prince of Persia, allowing this unnamed angel-messenger to make contact with Daniel.

The traditional response of the Church has been to positively confess and proclaim the supremacy and victory of Christ in his resurrection from the dead over all things, including the devil, demons or fallen angels. In the early church, the rite of exorcism took various forms including prayer, laying-on of hands, fasting, and anointing oil (Mark 6:13). Church Fathers such as Justin Martyr and Tertullian attest to the importance of authority in the name of Jesus Christ and the anointing power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Roman Catholicism

In modern times the views of individual Roman Catholics have tended to divide into traditional and more modern understandings of the subject. An example of a more modern view of the demonic is found in the work of the Dominican scholar Richard Woods' The Devil.

The traditional outlook is represented by Father Gabriele Amorth who has written two books on his personal experiences as an exorcist for the Vatican: An Exorcist Tells His Story, and An Exorcist: More Stories. Francis MacNutt, who was a priest within the Roman Catholic Charismatic Movement, has also addressed the subject of the demonic in his writings about healing.

Reformation and Post-Reformation

The practice of exorcism was also known among the first generation of teachers and pastors in the Lutheran Reformation. Johannes Bugenhagen Pomeranus was the pastor of the Wittenberg town church and officiated at Martin Luther's wedding. In a letter addressed to Luther and Melanchthon dated November 1530, Pomeranus recounted his experience of dealing with a young girl who showed signs of demon possession. Pomeranus' method involved counseling the girl concerning her previous baptismal vows, he invoked the name of Christ and prayed with her. (Letter reproduced in Montgomery, Principalities and Powers).

The Anglican-Puritan writer William Gurnall wrote a lengthy three-volume work The Christian in Complete Armour that was published between 1662 and 1665. In this work Gurnall stressed the place of reading Scripture, prayer and the name of Christ.

Protestant evangelicalism

In the American revival tradition among evangelicals, prominent preachers such as D. L. Moody, Billy Sunday, R. A. Torrey and Billy Graham have all affirmed their belief in the existence of the demonic and had occasions to recount some of their own spiritual warfare encounters. In the nineteenth century, one of the major evangelical authorities on demon possession was the missionary to China, John Livingstone Nevius.

During the late twentieth century, evangelical writers such as Mark Bubeck and Merrill Unger presented their theological and pastoral response to demonic phenomena. The problem of demon possession and spiritual warfare became the subject of a Christian Medical Association symposium that was held in 1975. This symposium brought together a range of evangelical scholars in biblical studies, theology, psychology, anthropology, and missiology (see Montgomery, Demon Possession).

One of the very significant German writers is the Lutheran Kurt Koch whose work has influenced much of both evangelical and charismatic thought in the late twentieth century. The impact of his ideas has been recently examined by the folklore specialist Bill Ellis.

Pentecostalism and charismatic Christianity

Spiritual warfare has become a prominent feature in some pentecostal and charismatic churches. The concept is well embedded in Pentecostal history, particularly through Jessie Penn-Lewis's book War on the Saints arising from the Welsh Revival in the early twentieth century. However, Jessie Penn-Lewis preaches a very different kind of spiritual warfare than that preached by the third-wave Charismatic movement of today - notably C. Peter Wagner and Cindy Jacobs. Other Pentecostal and charismatic pastors include Don Basham and Derek Prince, who have emphasized claiming the power of the blood of Christ.

The concept of spiritual warfare has been applied by Pentecostals to the Christian's spiritual growth in holiness or what is technically called sanctification. A preacher may discern that parishioners are experiencing obstacles in their faith, prayer life and general spiritual well-being. That process of discernment may yield an awareness of spiritual oppression caused by a combination of personal sin and demonic influence. The obstacles are then removed through prayer, delivering a parishioner from demonic possession, and breaking down false beliefs about God. Dr. Ed Murphy is the author of a modern 600-page tome on the subject from the point of view of deliverance ministry entitled The Handbook of Spiritual Warfare.

Pentecostals and charismatics have also applied the concept in the task of evangelism and worldwide missions. Former missionaries such as Charles Kraft and C. Peter Wagner have emphasized the problem of demonology on the world mission fields and the need to drive demons out.

A popular fictional portrayal of spiritual warfare is found in the novels by Frank E. Peretti, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness, and Darrin J Mason, Ominous.

Controversy and assessments

From inside the evangelical tradition a number of concerns have been raised about the current emphasis on spiritual warfare. Robert Guelich of Fuller Theological Seminary has questioned the extent to which spiritual warfare has shifted from its basic moorings as a metaphor for the Christian life. He is disturbed to find spiritual warfare metamorphosing into "spiritual combat" techniques where Christians seek power over demons. Guelich argues that Paul's writings in the Epistle to the Ephesians are focused on proclaiming the peace of God and nowhere specify any techniques for battling demons. He also finds that the novels of Frank Peretti are seriously at odds with both the gospel narratives on demons and Pauline teaching.

Missions specialists such A. Scott Moreau and Paul Hiebert have detected traces of animist thought encroaching on both evangelical and charismatic discourses about the demonic and spiritual warfare. Hiebert indicates that a dualist cosmology now appears in some spiritual warfare texts and it is based on the Greco-Roman mystery religions and Zoroastrian myths. However, Hiebert also chastises other evangelicals who have absorbed the modern secular outlook and have tended to downplay or even ignore the demonic. Hiebert speaks of the flaw of the excluded middle in the thinking of some evangelicals who have a cosmology of God in heaven and humans on earth, but have ignored the "middle" realm of the angelic and demonic.

The excesses of unsubstantiated allegations made in the satanic ritual abuse phenomenon of the 1980s and 1990s has also prompted critical reviews. Some apologists in the Christian countercult movement have expressed concerns that spiritual warfare techniques seem at times to have been based on spurious stories and anecdotes without careful discernment and reflection. Some of these general concerns have been expressed by apologists like Elliot Miller (Christian Research Institute), and Bob and Gretchen Passantino in various articles published in the Christian Research Journal. Others, such as Mike Hertenstein and Jon Trott, have called into question the claims of alleged ex-Satanists like Mike Warnke and Lauren Stratford whose stories have subsequently influenced many popular books about spiritual warfare and the occult. Bill Ellis's work, Raising the Devil, has detected the presence of folkloric stories about the occult and demons circulating in evangelical and charismatic circles, which later become accepted as unquestioned facts.

In 2000 an international collaborative attempt was made by evangelicals and charismatics in the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization to reach some common agreement about spiritual warfare. The conference gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, and yielded a consultation document as well as many technical papers published as the book Deliver Us from Evil.

See also


  1. ^ "North Korea Spiritual Warfare: Insights from Carl Moeller", Christian Broadcasting Network, 12-3-2010, [1]
  2. ^ Casualties in the ministry, John Odejayi, Nigerian Tribune, Sunday, 12-12-2010, [2]
  3. ^ “War on the Saints”, Jessie Penn-Lewis, 1973
  4. ^ "Occult ABC", Kurt Koch, 1973
  5. ^ ”Confronting the Powers: How the New Testament Church Experienced the Power of Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare”, C. Peter Wagner, 1991
  6. ^ a b Territorial Spirits, C. Peter Wagner, ed., 1991
  7. ^ “The Handbook of Spiritual Warfare“, Ed Murphy
  8. ^ a b c d Lampman, Jane (1999-09-23). "Targeting cities with 'spiritual mapping,' prayer". The Christian Science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/1999/0923/p15s1.html. Retrieved 2008-09-22. 
  9. ^ a b “Breaking Strongholds in Your City: How to Use Spiritual Mapping Tomake Your Prayers More Strategic, Effective and Targeted (Prayer Warriors)”, Peter C. Wagner, June 1993
  10. ^ ”Confronting the Powers: How the New Testament Church Experienced the Power of Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare”, C. Peter Wagner, 1991, p21
  11. ^ “War on the Saints”, Jessie Penn-Lewis
  12. ^ a b c ”Hard-Core Idolatry, Facing the Facts”, C. Peter Wagner, 1999, Wagner Institute of Practical Ministry, pp 38-40
  14. ^ "Spiritual Warfare(A Catholic Perspective)"
  15. ^ Sherman, Mark (March 2, 2011). "High court rules for military funeral protesters". AP. 
  16. ^ See, Snyder v. Phelps, Docket.

Further Reading